There was gap between the last project and 2023 projects due to Covid and travel restrictions. In 2023 we restarted the charity. Four camps were help:

Camp1- was in a village called Panam. This was done in collaboration with CMC hospital Ludhiana, Punjab. Approximately 80 cataract surgeries were carried at the hospital. General health screening, free issue specs, eye drops were issued.  

Camp2- provided contribution towards hospital refurbishment. We have been working with this hospital for over 15 years and it needed a serious update. see photographs.

Camp3- worked with Bharat Vikaas and provided over 80 prosthetic limbs plus crutches, calipers, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.

 Camp4- The final camp this year was in collaboration with the prestigious Tilganga institute of opthamology. circa 70 cataract operations were done in a remote rural location in Nepal.